Although : no-one wants to be knocked back or told their idea is unworkable
Img UA +38 062 431 8086

.data security

Infotech IT Distribution understands that to help meet client challenges and opportunities successfully in a global economy.

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.it procurement

Infotech IT Distribution understands that to help meet client challenges and opportunities successfully in a global economy.

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.it & cloud backup solution

Infotech IT Distribution understands that to help meet client challenges and opportunities successfully in a global economy.

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services we provide

Certified Team. Reliable Results. Technology Made Simple.

Managed Services

Managed Services Professional personnel used for delivery, data migration, installation, functional check, detailed reporting generated throughout the process.


Cloud Backup Solution

We trust that CrashPlan keeps on being the best online reinforcement administration for the vast majority


IT & Expert Repair Services

State of the art, secure facilities operated under industry best standards, providing temporary to medium term staging or storage facilities.


company overview

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete account of the system, and expound actual teachings the great explorer.
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Infotech IT Distribution is a team of proficient experts dedicated in cloud storage services and solutions, Computer Repair services, Software development, Hardware Procurement, Online scheduling, and additional IT solutions, which are primary needs of today’s business.

With core aim of upholding superiority and Customer satisfaction, Infotech IT Distribution has completed several technical projects covering almost all chief aspects and sectors of Information Technology and IT solutions.


the technology your business needs

We've got your IT consulting service needs covered head to toe. We want to make it so that you only have one number for your fully managed IT support services.

Let’s get started

Let our experienced technical team monitor the strength of your IT environment.
